Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Many see open-mindedness as an altruism. I say that open-mindedness is only altruistic so much as it has an end in sight of finding something worth being close-minded about. Apart from having this end in view, unabated open-mindedness is unloving, lacks intellectual integrity and is functionally impossible.

Instead, search diligently, then cling diligently. Land where the evidence leads. -me

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

There is a deep difference between the temporary thrill of a new toy and a homecoming hug from a devoted friend. Who do you think has the deepest, most satisfying joy in life, the man who pays $240 for a fortieth-floor suite downtown and spends his evenings in the half-lit, smoke-filled lounge impressing strange women with ten-dollar cocktails, or the man who chooses the Motel 6 by a vacant lot of sunflowers and spends his evening watching the sunset and writing a love letter to his wife? -John Piper, Desiring God

Monday, November 4, 2013

On worshipping the Creator of nature and not Nature...

"By emptying Nature of divinity - or, let us say, of divinities - you may fill her with Deity, for she is now the bearer of messages. There is a sense in which Nature - worship silences her - as if a child or a savage were so impressed with the postman’s uniform that he omitted to take in the letters." -C.S. Lewis